I obtained my Ph.D. in Mathematics at the University of Geneva in November 2020 under the supervision of Bart Vandereycken. In 2015, I obtained a Master's Def in Computational Science and Engineering at EPFL (Switzerland). Prior to this, I studied Civil Engineering at both bachelor's and master's levels at Polo di Lecco, an international campus of Politecnico di Milano.
我於2020年11月在瑞士日內瓦大學獲得數學博士學位,導師是Bart Vandereycken教授。2015年,我在瑞士洛桑聯邦理工學院獲得了計算科學和工程的碩士學位。在此之前,我在義大利米蘭理工大學的國際校區Polo di Lecco學習土木工程的學士和碩士課程。
Recently, I've been interested in the scientific and practical aspects of machine learning (see my repository on GitHub), computational fluid dynamics with SPH, low-rank problems, and computational geometry.
I joined the National Center for Theoretical Sciences (NCTS) in Taiwan on July 1, 2022.